Monday, January 31, 2011

Mundane Monday!

Well, I will try to make this blog interesting since my day wasn't! Haha! I really do enjoy my days off work and school though. And with last week we got out for snow, all my homework is caught up! :) I did a little Valentine's day present making for my sweet husband while he was working! I came up with a creative idea of making a "picture book" for him ;-). Now, yall shush bc I don't want him knowing yet! I exercised about noon, then took a nap. I have such boring days sometimes. Aaron called me around 2:30 and we talked for a bit about tonight, whats for dinner, etc. I decided I didn't feel like cooking and so he said he would pick up dinner for us! We are eating Griff's again- can't get enough of that place. I love it so! They have the best baked potatoes and paninis ever, and at a great price. Anyways, I thought it would interesting, but meh.. it's not. I think later I may post a blog about WoW so everyone knows what it's all about- and maybe have more of an understand of why I like video games! God Bless!
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Girls Night Out!

Tonight was girls night with Becky and Kristie! :)
We had a good time! We went to eat at Kyoto's and then headed over to the mall for some smelly goods from B&BW, and some video games for the guys at GameStop. I really enjoyed getting out of the house! On our last stop I got Jaina her new collar, and I chose pink for her because there were no other girly colors! Pics of the girls and thier new springy collars are below! Not much else to write except I got a sample scent of Bath and Body's new scent called Carried Away, it smells really good- but its not my Twilight Woods or Aromathearpy Sensual. But for 3 bucks for a lotion and body spray, wasn't a bad deal!!


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Thursday, January 27, 2011


Thank God its MY Friday!

Things around here are a bit crazy with the new puppy being home, but I am loving every minute of it! Here is a photo of her in my arms this morning, she's so sweet and cuddly at this age. I know that in a few short weeks she will be into everything! LOL. It's really like having a child to an extent- but I wouldn't trade her for the world!

Oh, and the SNOW! We have have SO much of it here in these winter months, I honestly am done with the snow this year. I have had so much scheldule switching, and having to clean off the car, making sure I have enough food incase we can't get out, etc. I long for the bright sunny days, and the warm sun on my face again! :) Heres a pic of our little porch/driveway when the snow started falling, we ended up with about three inches- but I didn't feel like taking another pic at that point. haha.

Well, I dont have much else to say right now, I think Im gonna go play Warcraft now with the hubby and my friends. :) I should post a blog about my WoW toons and give all that info.... hmmmm maybe soon ;)

AshleĆ½-level 85 hunter (Bleeding Hollow)

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New Signature!!

After an afternoon of creating, I finally got my own signature! :) Yay! I'll have my big blog for the evening later!

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Loosing a Friend. (Rant)

"Trust can take years to build, but only a second to break."
That quote pretty much sums up how I feel right now. I have lost a great friend over something that was very dumb. Over a game. It's so sad that you know someone for four years: you spend time talking with them, goofing off, having a good time together, hanging out. And one wrong misunderstanding and that person hates you. I have to keep telling myself that you know maybe it's really not me, its the other person. I don't have many friends or many people I trust in life, so when I do find someone I try to be the best friend I can be... but sometimes it's just not good enough. I feel like a lot of times I always put my heart out there and try to be a good person and I just get smacked in the face. I always try so hard to be a good person, I really do. I guess that you really can't trust just anyone and you have to be as coldhearted as you can be. I don't know. I still do have a few good friends, and I hope they will be there for me. I'm just at this point really done and over being screwed over. The only thing I can do from here is just pack up, leave the memories in the past, and move on. Life is way too short to spend it unhappy and dwelling on the past, I just needed to get this off my chest once and for all. I don' t know if he will ever read this but if he does, I hope he knows that I will never let him back in my life again, and I hope that he is happy that he threw away a friendship with one of the only people who would actually care about him, but not anymore. I could care less, and I don't feel sorry for him anymore. Now, I know why he stays lonely, and why he can't find a mate. I know exactly why now, and hate to say it.... he really kinda deserves it. Good night all.
"Moving on is simple, when you leave behind what makes it difficult."

Jaina Leigh Painter


Jaina Leigh Painter

Born: 12-15-2010

She came home with us on 01-23-2011.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2011 :)

Well, well, well........ another year already!
2010 zoomed by guys. I can not believe I am writing you from a new year, but I'm here healthy and happy! The last post I talked about moving, and we have already been in our new place for 5 months now. We love it, and this time we are planning on staying here until I am done with college and we buy a house. In this blog I will just give a brief recap of the year. In February Aaron turned 21, in May we celebrated 7 years of being together, in August we moved to our final rental place, in September I turned 21, in November we celebrated 2 years of marriage. In between that time, we spent a couple of weeks over the summer in Memphis with Aaron's parents, I still went to school while Aaron dropped out of school again. In the last couple of months of 2010 we got ready for the holidays with family, and had what I think was one of the best. =) Now, we are almost through January and I am SO ready for it!! :) I can't wait to see what the future holds!